career corner Life as a... robotics engineer

If you have an idea for a game-changing robot - perhaps one that rolls over to you in the evening when you're passed out on the couch and brushes your teeth, or maybe one that just pays you a load of compliments when you've had a tough day - then a career as a robotics engineer might be right up your street!

Find out everything you need to know here, from qualifications required, to what an average day as a droid designer might look like.

Ooooh, how easy do you reckon it would it be to make one that summons hotdogs out of thin air? Asking for a friend...

Top of the bots

Want to help robots run the world? Then this is what you need to know...


What you'll need

A Batchelor's degree in mechanical engineering or something similar will be required, and any skills in the field of maths and science are also going to come in handy. A range of relevant courses in the UK can be found here.


Talents required

What skills are required will differ from job-to-job, but an ability to problem solve, work as a team as well as alone, have good communication skills and advanced ability to carry out research, will all be useful.


An average day

In an average day as a robotics engineer, you may find yourself developing prototypes and using and developing software that controls the functionality of robotics systems. You will also be required to test individual parts of the robot's system, or the robot as a whole, and constant research and development to improve the system will also be an essential part of your day.



The average salary is just over £30,000 and can range between £23,000 and almost £50,000 depending on your abilities, skills and how long you have been working in the industry.


Moving on

With technology constantly evolving and improving there will always be something new for you to create and develop, and who knows, maybe YOU will be the one to design the next cutting-edge artificial intelligence that takes over the world...

*Hides behind the sofa*

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